The Outputs – The GLAMers Project

The Outputs

The Outputs

The GLAMers Project has ended in February 2023. Discover our outputs and resources by clicking on the boxes below:

IO1 – Practices collection of digitally mediated youth engagement for GLAMs during the pandemic.

IO2 – Training opportunities for GLAMs to leverage their digital transformation through youth participation.

IO3 – Implement and assess: Cultural
events by GLAMs involving youth

IO4 – Map social change: Youth engagement for GLAM recovery

The Partners

The GLAMers project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This website and all its contents reflect only the views of the author, the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein.

[Project number : 2020-1-CY02-KA227-YOU-002022]