Partners – The GLAMers Project


The Partners

Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), was established by law in 2004, and enrolled its first students in 2007. With its orientation towards applied research, the University aspires to establish for itself a role in support of the state and society in their efforts to confront problems, which cover all areas of science and technology. CUT involvement in research has been recognized from the fact that within the last four years, projects with more than 30M Euro have been funded. In this project CUT is involved with one Laboratory and one research center. The Digital Heritage Research Laboratory (DHRLab), established in 2013, is responsible for the digital and holistic documentation of Cultural Heritage Objects as well as all the issues related to the EU and Cyprus Policy on DCH. Moreover, the Lab is very active in 3D Reconstruction and HBIM with a special focus on semantics and symbolic representation.

Michael Culture AISBL (MCA) is a not-for-profit organisation created in 2007. MCA is the network for Cultural Heritage devoted to European cultural heritage valorisation, MCA gathers members and experts from over 150 cultural institutions private and public – Museums , libraries, Achieves, Research centers – ministries of culture from Europe, from 22 countries from EU and beyond, of which many represent cultural operators at national level. MCA aims at promoting European cultural heritae by its digitization and dissemination to a European and worldwide audience, and at enhancing the network of European projessionals working on digital cultural heritage.

Citizens In Power (CIP) is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization. CIP aims at the development of different ramifications of entrepreneurship, education and democratic dialogue in Cyprus and abroad. To achieve those targets CIP has established an on-going collaboration with the majority of Cypriot leading universities, NGOs and research organizations in Cyprus, especially for the development of innovative projects and international trainings or seminars as well as for the deployment of pedagogical educational material, by primarily using web platforms and other technological innovations.

Web2Learn is a private company specialising in digital learning and professional training grounded on openness and social connectivity. Openness relates to the most recent trends in education, science and professional development calling for more collaboration and sharing opportunities through open content creation and release in an ethical and transparent manner, through new licensing models. Whereas, social connectivity pertains to digitally enhanced social networking and the value of user-driven, participatory practices occurring through social media and gaming applications, from a learning and training perspective. When it comes to open and social learning in the cultural and creative sector, Web2Learn contributes with expertise in initiatives dealing with the enhancement of learning opportunities in civic engagement in cultural activities.

The Museum of Arts and Crafts was founded in 1880 at the initiative of the Arts Association and its then president Izidor Kršnjavi, and was one of the first such institutions in Europe. The initial holdings of the Museum had been founded several years before the Museum was formally assembled. the Museum has at its disposal holdings containing about one hundred thousand items of the fine and applied arts, drawn from the period from the 14th to the 21st century, organized into a number of collections: furniture, glass, metal, ceramics, sculpture, painting, graphic art, etc. In the structure of the museum departments, an important role is taken by the restoration workshops, which are constantly at work on the preventive protection, conservation and restoration of museum objects.The educational department sees to the fulfilment of the programmatic objectives of the Museum with respect to communication with the public and the encouragement of creativity.

The GLAMers project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This website and all its contents reflect only the views of the author, the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein.

[Project number : 2020-1-CY02-KA227-YOU-002022]