IO4 – Map social change: Youth engagement for GLAM recovery – The GLAMers Project

IO4 – Map social change: Youth engagement for GLAM recovery

IO4 – Map social change: Youth engagement for GLAM recovery

Output 4 aimed at mapping social change as it is manifested through youth engagement in the recovery of GLAMs. While O1, IO2 and IO3 emphasized GLAM rebirth by means of youth engagement, IO4 completed this approach by emphasizing social values with youth at their core.
The innovative character of IO4 resides, first in the promotion of the wealth of youth activities as a trigger of GLAM’s recovery, and second in the emphasis of young persons’ voices advising about the value of youth-GLAM synergies.
Within IO4 context, young people became part of the solution that contributes to tackle challenges related to the pandemic.

The Partners

The GLAMers project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This website and all its contents reflect only the views of the author, the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein.

[Project number : 2020-1-CY02-KA227-YOU-002022]