IO2 – Training opportunities for GLAMs to leverage their digital transformation through youth participation. – The GLAMers Project

IO2 – Training opportunities for GLAMs to leverage their digital transformation through youth participation.

IO2 – Training opportunities for GLAMs to leverage their digital transformation through youth participation.

Intellectual Output 2 (IO2) main mission is to produce guidelines and offer hands-on training for the benefit of GLAMs in their digital transformation processes and outcomes through youth participation.

Target groups

  • Stakeholders in the cultural/creative sector on local, national and European level and especially for those actively involved and working with Galleries, Libraries, Museums, Archives (GLAMs),
  • Youth organisations and individuals younger than 35 years old.

Specific Outputs

  1. Webinars

The project will offer eight workshops as a series of events on digital youth engagement for both target groups.

More information is available here

  1. Training Modules

The GLAMers will create five focused training opportunities for GLAMs to leverage their digital transformation through youth participation.

More information is available here

The Partners

The GLAMers project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This website and all its contents reflect only the views of the author, the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein.

[Project number : 2020-1-CY02-KA227-YOU-002022]